50 years of Couven Museum in Haus Monheim

10.05.2008 - 21.09.2008

After devastation in the war, the Couven Museum was re-established in Haus Monheim in 1958 and is now 50 years old. To celebrate this anniversary, the museum is offering visitors a look back into the past. Old photos show the initial furnishing of the house and provide glimpses of the newly rebuilt “Front Room” of Aachen, devoted to the subject of middle class interior decoration in the 18th and 19th centuries.

A short film enables visitors to relive the atmosphere back in those early days. The beginning of the Couven Museum is contrasted with today’s reality to highlight all the many changes that have taken place over the last 50 years. Individual objects that characterised the atmosphere of the Couven Museum 50 years ago are now in urgent need of restoration. A review of some of the planned projects for restoration of the old furnishings illustrates the lively approach to handling this historical legacy.

Flyer 50 Years of Couven Museum